19 Extremely Unfortunate People Who Just Had A Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much Worse Month Than You

If you just had yourself the absolute worst week, just remember...

1.The person who learned a very valuable lesson that day:

Melted plastic container inside a microwave
u/abbreviationshot6039 / Via reddit.com

2.The person who has to hope that little scratch will buff out:

Burnt-out RV remains near a building, evidence of a severe fire incident
u/larryobvious / Via reddit.com

3.The person who will never, ever forgive the birds who did this:

Car covered in bird droppings parked in front of a building with a tree nearby

4.The person whose dad is very happy with them, I'm sure:

Person in a plaid shirt seen from behind with a unique circular hair pattern on the head
u/dry_big_1914 / Via reddit.com

5.The person who straight up got goop all over their car:

Person's lap and car interior with spilled sauce and a jar.
u/IrresponsibleSuccess / Via reddit.com

6.The person whose master plan was bested by a squirrel:

A squirrel holds an Easter egg in its mouth while standing in mulch
u/j1002s / Via reddit.com

7.The person who's about to find out just how barefoot a vacation can be:

Person standing by mismatched sandals; one embellished, one plain. An amusing but relatable fashion faux pas
u/dank_edicts / Via reddit.com

8.The person whose sandwich went on the ride of a lifetime:

Person stares at trash bin where their sandwich has fallen off the plate. Text expresses dismay at the mishap
u/lilygaming / Via reddit.com

9.The person who shall never leave their home:

Freshly poured concrete on a residential doorway step
u/status-blueberry3690 / Via reddit.com

10.The person whose phone will permanently be taking pictures from Candy Land:

Chocolate in the shape of a bitten heart next to a smartphone
u/furryyurry / Via reddit.com

11.The person who must immediately vacate the premises:

A fluffy black and white cat lying on a carpeted floor, blending in with its surroundings
u/mirabellae / Via reddit.com

12.The person who watched their dreams get smashed right before their eyes:

Man with a plaid shirt looking at a puddle under a white truck with the door open
u/elting44 / Via reddit.com

13.The person whose trash committed some, frankly, trash behavior:

Melted siding on a house next to a burned trash bin with debris

14.The person who's going to have to do that intense lean forward reserved only for 4th quarters of close basketball games the entire movie:

Person in a theater with feet on railing, "COMING SOON" on screen
u/neighborhoodlow8413 / Via reddit.com

15.The person who got a little extra iron in their soup:

Hand holding a small object over a bowl of noodle soup with chopsticks and a spoon
u/wilkoman / Via reddit.com

16.The person whose headphones just got squeaky clean:

An AirPod rests inside a washing machine, next to the drum's rib - a common laundry mishap
u/verbosewraith / Via reddit.com

17.The person who loves their dentist very much, I'm sure:

A person's palm holding a small extracted tooth with visible roots
u/otteranarchist / Via reddit.com

18.The person who experienced true noodle tragedy:

Person with spilled popcorn on a suitcase beside a cushion and chair, capturing a casual indoor moment
u/jillknowsnothing / Via reddit.com

19.And the person with the hardest ice cream this side of the mighty Missipp:

Person scooping from a large tub of Mayfield Creamery ice cream with a kitchen scoop

Hate to see it, folks.

u/randomflyer643 / Via reddit.com