Barack Obama shares his favorite songs of 2017

Like the patient, contemplative president that he was, Barack Obama has waited until the last day of the year to share his favorite songs and books of 2017.

“During my presidency, I started a tradition of sharing my reading lists and playlists,” Obama wrote in introducing his lists. “It was a nice way to reflect on the works that resonated with me and lift up authors and artists from around the world. With some extra time on my hands this year to catch up, I wanted to share the books and music that I enjoyed most. From songs that got me moving to stories that inspired me, here’s my 2017 list — I hope you enjoy it and have a happy and healthy New Year.”

On the music front, Obama’s favorites include Kendrick Lamar’s “HUMBLE.”, JAY-Z and Beyoncé’s “Family Feud”, SZA’s “Broken Clocks”, Frank Ocean’s “Chanel”, The National’s “The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness”, and Sharon Jones’ “Matter of Time”.