Baron Corbin Sent A Guy To The Hospital After He Tried To Shoot On Him At The Gym

baron corbin
Photo Credit: WWE
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If you try to physically mess with Baron Corbin in public, you’re most likely going to regret it.

WWE Superstar Baron Corbin was a recent guest on Notsam Wrestling. When asked about winning a recent Jiu-Jitsu competition, Corbin revealed he’s been training again after previously stopping when he joined the company several years ago.

“So I started training again; I go train like three days a week,” Baron Corbin said. “I trained a lot before joining WWE, and when I joined, obviously, I was starting at zero. So I have a lot to learn here. I kind of put all my focus into becoming a WWE Superstar and stopped training, and then I went to the gym where Shayna [Baszler] trains, where Shinsuke [Nakamura] trains because I knew it’d be safe, nobody’s trying to hurt you.”

Corbin then proceeded to tell a story of someone who tried to take liberties with him at a gym in Arizona when he played for the NFL and gave the guy a broken eye socket for his troubles.

“If those guys are there, then it’s good. Because sometimes you walk into these gyms, and I’ve been there before. There was a gym in Arizona I’ll never forget when I was in there just training on a bag when I was playing football. I was like 330, and this guy kept going, ‘Hey man, do you want to spar? We got a heavyweight that needs some work.’ I’m like, ‘No, I’m good. I’m just training and doing some bag work.’

“They kept egging me, kept egging me. I was like, ‘I don’t have headgear, I don’t have a mouthpiece. I’m good.’ And then they kept going. I was like, fine, and I asked do you got headgear and mouthpiece? He’s like, yeah. I go alright, we’ll do a little bit, man. But if you try to bang, we’re gonna have problems. And then I was like, you gonna put headgear on? And he’s like, ‘No, I’m good. We’re just gonna play.’

“And sure enough, within 30 seconds, he was trying to kill me. And so then I wrecked his entire eye socket. He had to go to the hospital. But you go to gyms all over, and it really happens, man. They go, oh, he’s a WWE Superstar; he was in the NFL. Like they want to take a shot, they think they can take a shot and like, oh, they’re not going to hurt me, we’re in public or whatever. I cracked that dude’s eye open bad. The guy Scott that owns the gym said he never came back after that.”

READ MORE: Baron Corbin Wins First Place In Jiu-Jitsu Competition

What do you make of Baron Corbin’s comments? Would you ever try to shoot on a WWE Superstar? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

If you use any of these quotes, please credit Notsam with a link to this article for the transcription.

The post Baron Corbin Sent A Guy To The Hospital After He Tried To Shoot On Him At The Gym appeared first on Wrestlezone.