‘Black Mirror': All 9 of the Black Museum’s Callbacks to Previous Episodes (Photos)

‘Black Mirror': All 9 of the Black Museum’s Callbacks to Previous Episodes (Photos)

(Spoiler alert: You may not want to read until you’ve watched the “Black Mirror” season 4 episode “Black Museum” — and perhaps other episodes from this and past seasons.)

The Black Musem was a fun place to visit at the end of season 4 of “Black Mirror,” perhaps because it was basically a house of references to previous episodes from the season. While the exhibits in the museum are probably just meta-jokes rather than evidence of a shared universe, it’s still fun to look at what’s inside.

This puppy we know well as one of the mechanical bees from the season 3 episode “Hated in the Nation.” These things murdered a whole lot of people in that episode.

This distinctive costume you’ll probably remember as being the uniform of the hunters on the weird “justice”-focused reality show in the season 2 episode “White Bear.”

In the background here you can see what looks an awful lot like the virtual reality headset from the season 3 episode “Playtest,” in which a man (Wyatt Russell) died while playing a game that was constructed to prey on his greatest fears.

This notorious box we saw earlier in season 4 — it was used by Robert Daly (Jesse Plemons) to upload people’s DNA into his computer so he could create AIs based on them inside a video game. The lollipop was used to create a digital version of a character’s (Jimmi Simpson) son — which Daly immediately tossed out an airlock in order to get the other the Simpson AI to behave.

This tablet you’ll recognize from the season 4 episode “Arkangel,” in which it was used as a way for helicopter parents to spy on their children. This particular tablet was used by the child (Brenna Harding) to beat the mother (Rosemary DeWitt) nearly to death.

This bathtub is from “Crocodile.” A man was murdered in it. There’s not really anything techy about it. It’s just a bathtub.

Aside from the items in the museum itself, the episode contained a couple verbal references to past episodes as well. The two episodes referenced are reference “San Junipero” (“like when they upload old people to the cloud?”) and the “White Christmas” holiday special (mention of copying consciousness using “cookies”).

Bonus: while not in the actual Black Museum, one of the stories Rolo Haynes (Douglas Hodge) tells Nish (Letitia Wright) involves this shot of a character reading a graphic novel based on the season 1 episode “15 Million Merits.”