Carl Reiner, Mark Hamill, Seth MacFarlane pay tribute to comedic legend Rose Marie

Carl Reiner, Mark Hamill, Seth MacFarlane pay tribute to comedic legend Rose Marie

Hollywood is mourning the loss of an entertainment legend. Rose Marie, known for her iconic portrayal of Sally Rogers on the CBS classic sitcom The Dick Van Dyke Show, died on Thursday. She was 94.

As news of her death spread, fans and peers mourned the actress on social media, some shared their favorite memories and other praised her career achievements — including Carl Reiner, creator, producer, and actor of The Dick Van Dyke Show.

“I was so sad to learn of the passing of Rosemarie. There’s never been a more engaging & multi-talented performer. In a span of 90 years, since she was four, dear Rosie performed on radio, in Vaudeville, nigh clubs, films, TV, & Vegas & always gad audiences clamoring for ‘more!!’,” Reiner wrote on Twitter.

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