Carrie Brownstein gets interviewed by a 10-year-old girl for new comedy podcast: Stream

Photo via Instagram/@carrie_rachel

Launching a podcast without the right connections is a tough gig. It’s important to come out of the gate strong in order to attract more attention, but that can be a challenge when you’re just getting off the block. Good thing for 10-year-old Beatrice Red Star Fletcher that she’s buddies with one Carrie Brownstein and tapped her to be the first guest on her new podcast, Bea’s Big Laughs.

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The podcast focuses on interviews with (mostly) female comedians, according to its iTunes description, so much of the discussion focused on Brownstein’s work on Portlandia. They talked about the improvisational origins of “Ay oh, river!”, the makeup in the “What About Men?” sketch, and the show’s upcoming final season. Of course, Sleater-Kinney came up (“So I hear you’re in an all female rock band,” Bea said), with Brownstein saying her favorite songs are “Jumpers”, “Modern Girl”, and “A New Wave”. On more serious notes, they discussed dyeing poodles’ fur, Kate McKinnon, and dog farts.

Check it out via iTunes or the Podcast app, or on podcast streaming sites like Podbay and Speaker.