'Charmed' reboot adds LGBT Twist — plus, meet Macy, Mel and Madison

Move over Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Prue — there’s a new bewitching sister act coming your way, and their parents were fans of alliteration, too!

TVLine has obtained the casting breakdowns for The CW’s in-the-works Charmed reboot, and they reveal that the three familial leads bear the unofficial names Macy, Mel and Madison. As previously reported, the new series — penned by Jane the Virgin scribes Jessica O’Toole and Amy Rardin— is set in the present day and is described as “a fierce, funny, feminist reboot” centered on “three sisters in a college town who discover they are witches.”

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In addition to the sisters, casting is also underway for the trio’s “devilishly handsome” advisor (or “Whitelighter”) Harry, as well as Macy’s documentary filmmaker-boyfriend Galvin and Madison’s “sensitive loner” ex-beau Brian.

Oh, and we buried the lede: Producers are also on the prowl for an actress to play Mel’s girlfriend. Yep, one of the three new Charmed sisters is a lesbian.

It should be noted that “all ethnicities” are being sought for all the roles.

Scroll down to read the slightly truncated character descriptions for Macy, Mel and Madison

MACY | A witty, intense science nerd, Macy — who is in her late 20s — is a Ph.D. in quantum physics who’s moving with her boyfriend Galvin to Hilltowne, Michigan, to work in the university lab. Macy has reason to believe that she is the sister of Mel and Madison. Her power is telekinesis.

MEL PRUITT | A strong-willed feminist, she feels deeply and is a bit controlling. Mel — who is in her mid 20s and a lesbian —  is the sister of Madison. In the wake of a tragic accident, the grieving Mel becomes angry, defiantly unkempt, even violent, pushing away those who might help her, including her girlfriend, Detective Soo Jin. Mel’s power is time-freezing.

MADISON PRUITT | Mel’s younger sister (she’s 18-ish), an athletic (pilates, cheerleading) college student pledging a sorority, Madison is the opposite of her feminist sister with a desire to fit in. Madison is horrified to learn she is a witch. Her power is hearing people’s thoughts.

OK, what say you, Charmed faithful? Are you warming up to the idea of a reboot? And, if so, care to share a casting suggestion or two in the comments? 

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