Doctor Who Video: Jodie Whittaker Makes Her Debut as New Time Lord

Can’t wait to meet the new Doctor? You’re in luck, because the BBC has released a scene from tonight’s Doctor Who Christmas special, in which Peter Capaldi’s Time Lord regenerates into new lead Jodie Whittaker.

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In the video, the Twelfth Doctor waxes poetic around the TARDIS — “Well, I suppose one more lifetime won’t kill anyone… well, except me,” he says — before transforming into the franchise’s first female Doctor. But there’s nary a moment to appreciate the wonder before Whittaker’s character finds herself in trouble.

In addition to bidding goodbye to Capaldi, the installment is also showrunner Steven Moffat’s swan song. Chris Chibnall (Broadchurch) will take the reins beginning with next season.

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The special, titled “Twice Upon a Time,” airs tonight at 9/8c on BBC America. It will be followed by the retrospective Doctor Who: Farewell to Peter Capaldi.

Press PLAY above to watch the video, then hit the comments your thoughts on Whittaker’s debut.

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