Dylan Dreyer's Latest Grocery Receipt Stirs Up Massive Reaction from Fans

Dylan Dreyer may have inadvertently ignited a revolution with her latest Instagram post.

The Today meteorologist is spending some time across the pond, and she clued her followers into what a steal it was to go grocery shopping at a Windsor-based store called Waitrose when she posted side-by-side snapshots of her cart and her receipt.

As the television personality's oldest son, Calvin, has celiac disease, which causes him to become incredibly ill if he consumes gluten, the whole family typically eats gluten-free at home.

In the United States, that kind of diet adds up, with Dreyer once sparking dismay when she spent over six dollars on potatoes alone, but things seem a lot more reasonable in the UK, where she got several packages of flour, Twix cookies, porridge, biscuits, pasta and more—all gluten-free—for approximately $38.54 USD, plus a tax of $13.65.

"Not sure I thought this through," she admitted in the caption, likely being there for just a short time, "but the price was right!!" As a bonus, she "found some fun foods [and] an adorable hand soap too" while browsing the shelves.

American fans were gobsmacked by the difference, with one lamenting "Getting price gouged over here!!"

Another pointed out that Waitrose is a higher-end store in the UK and still managed to be more affordable than a typical haul in, say, New York City, where Dreyer and her family live.

"For the USA being so advanced, we sure are backwards [sic] sometimes!" another wrote. "We make all the good foods expensive and expect to live a long life. Much can be done to assist food security for all."

"What a steal!!!" another comment read, alongside a shocked face emoji.

Whole Foods, take note!

Next: Dylan Dreyer Details Roadtrip Incident That Left Her 'Scarred'