Family Guy Will Address Stewie's Sexuality in March Episode

Stewie Griffin is finally sitting down for a long-overdue therapy session.

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As previously reported, Sir Ian McKellen will guest-star in an upcoming episode of Family Guy as the voice of Stewie’s therapist. And in a recent interview with TVLine, executive producer Rich Appel revealed that Stewie’s sexuality is among the topics they’ll be addressing — though he adds that it’s merely “the tip of the iceberg.”

“It’s just a two-character episode with Stewie in his therapist’s office for the first time,” Appel says. “It’s a wonderful episode, and Seth’s performance is spectacular. They delve into all sorts of things you would think would come up in a therapy session with a boy like Stewie. When Stewie’s with his therapist, they pretty immediately address questions of sexuality. The episode covers that, and then goes to deeper issues for Stewie.”

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The topic of Stewie’s sexuality has come up pretty consistently over the course of Family Guy‘s 300 episodes — look no further than the compilation video embedded below — but it’s never been discussed in this sort of environment before.

The episode, which Appel says will be presented with limited commercial interruptions, airs next month. New episodes return Sunday, March 11 (Fox, 9/8c).

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