FAST X’s Trailers Reveal the Ultimate Fight (And Race) For Family

Who is the greatest family man of all-time? No, it is not Ralphie’s Old Man from A Christmas Story. It isn’t even our beloved Uncle Phil from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. And it surely isn’t any of our own dads or uncles, either. It is Dominic Toretto, the leader of the greatest found family in human history. The Fast and the Furious franchise is truly a marvel to be studied, going from a street racing saga to an ongoing story that is pretty much sci-fi at this point. Cars in space? People coming back from what surely should have been guaranteed death? Sure, why not. We are getting the priceless gift of Fast X, the franchise’s tenth installment, and we are so grateful. In fact, our gratitude is multiplied by ten thanks to the latest Fast X trailer.

Our most recent look at Fast X is our best one yet at the movie. There’s time for the whole family, but especially for Jason Momoa’s villainous Dante. He wants to blow up the Vatican, among other things. And he blames Dom for creating him—as it were. Sounds like a true blue villain to us. He won’t let us forget that he’s out for blood and explosions. But, most importantly, there’s a gold car involved, and it’s amazing.

Fast X’s Synopsis

The synopsis for Fast X gives the story even more naunce; it shares:

Over many missions and against impossible odds, Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) and his family have outsmarted, out-nerved and outdriven every foe in their path. Now, they confront the most lethal opponent they’ve ever faced: A terrifying threat emerging from the shadows of the past who’s fueled by blood revenge, and who is determined to shatter this family and destroy everything—and everyone—that Dom loves, forever.  

In 2011’s Fast Five, Dom and his crew took out nefarious Brazilian drug kingpin Hernan Reyes and decapitated his empire on a bridge in Rio De Janeiro. What they didn’t know was that Reyes’ son, Dante (Aquaman’s Jason Momoa), witnessed it all and has spent the last 12 years masterminding a plan to make Dom pay the ultimate price. 

Dante’s plot will scatter Dom’s family from Los Angeles to the catacombs of Rome, from Brazil to London and from Portugal to Antarctica. New allies will be forged and old enemies will resurface. But everything changes when Dom discovers that his own 8-year-old son (Leo Abelo Perry, Black-ish) is the ultimate target of Dante’s vengeance. 

Fast X First Trailer and Super Bowl Spot

Dom, Letty, Mia, Roman, Tej, Han, and the rest of their large crew do seem like they are in for a ton of trouble. Fast X’s first trailer illustrates just how much.

In the first Fast X trailer, we see glimpses of our beloved Brian from past vault shenanigans. (Remember, he’s still alive in this universe, and this film obviously ties Dante into Fast Five. Hmmm.) Letty admits that one of them will not come back from this, and, well, that makes sense. They can’t keep surviving after so much.

The Fast X Super Bowl spot (aka trailer) gives us much of the same, and honestly, we love to see it.

Of course, this movie will have what every proper Fast film should have: epic car chases and race scenes. What lengths will Dom go through for family? We shall see. The inclusion of Notorious B.I.G. and Bone Thugs-N-Harmony’s “Notorious Thugs” is really the icing on the cake.

Dominic Turetto in Fast X trailer
Universal Pictures

Perfect. Beautiful. Gorgeous. The top movie of 2023 without question. Family will always win. Give them all awards right now. Fast X hits theaters on May 19.

Originally published on February 10, 2023.