A first look at the Dino Off Road Adventure in Six Flags over Texas. We have pictures

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One of the Six Flags Over Texas’ oldest and longest rides recently got a dinosaur-themed revamp.

Fans were sad to hear the 62-year-old Chaparral Antique Car ride was turning into Dino Off Road Adventure. But after a quick trip to Arlington, guests should be happy to hear that not much has changed.

The ride is on the same tracks, with the same Chaparral antique cars, but now has the addition of 15 animatronic dinosaurs. These dino robots are made to look life-like and just as big, if not bigger.

“The Chaparral Antique Cars are themed after the Chaparral Motor Company that was based out of Cleburne, Texas. The Chaparral Motor Company began producing automobiles in 1911. A short-lived venture, it eventually went out of business due to the rising Ford Motor Company,” according to a guide to the amusement park.

The carts used for Six Flags Over Texas’ ride, Dino Off Road Adventure, are the same Chaparral antique cars revamped for Dino Off Road Adventure.
The carts used for Six Flags Over Texas’ ride, Dino Off Road Adventure, are the same Chaparral antique cars revamped for Dino Off Road Adventure.

Melanie Stolze, the park’s marketing and communication supervisor, grew up going to the park and riding Chaparral Antique cars. She told the Star Telegram that this ride was her family’s favorite. So, she was glad to see that the revamp kept the same classic cars.

“They’re basically the same car as the original Chaparral car which was designed to be a consumer car in the early 20th century,” Stolze said. “Six Flags company actually ended up manufacturing more Chaparral cars than the Chaparral brand.”

Guests drive these mini automobiles along the two to three minute track, viewing the many dinosaurs and landscaping.

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What is Dino Off Road Adventure?

Park Operations Director Charles Laureano tells the Star Telegram that when they were thinking about a revamp they wanted something ageless. Well, dinosaurs are timeless and that is when they brought Dino Off Road Adventure to Texas.

Dino Off Road Adventure has no height limit, meaning anyone can take a tour. Once guests hop into their Chaparral jeep, they embark on their Jurassic journey.

The drive is a short two to three minutes, depending on how many times you stop to look at the raptors. These are not speed racers, but rather antique buggies that go at a very slow speed, making this ride very kid friendly.

Dan Bluitt, left, and Scarlett Cardona, right, put on a puppet demonstration during an inside look of Six Flags Over Texas’ revamped ride, Dino Off Road Adventure, on Friday, June 21, 2024, in Arlington. The workers named the puppets, Tyler T-rex and Sarah Triceratops.
Dan Bluitt, left, and Scarlett Cardona, right, put on a puppet demonstration during an inside look of Six Flags Over Texas’ revamped ride, Dino Off Road Adventure, on Friday, June 21, 2024, in Arlington. The workers named the puppets, Tyler T-rex and Sarah Triceratops.

All dinosaurs have infrared sensors that detect motion so when you are approaching one they are sure to give you something to see. You may see them blinking, making noise, moving their limbs, or, for some, even breathing.

The first dino you see as you enter the ride is the Triceratops. There is also a Tyrannosaurus Rex that is longer than a school bus. This monster is about 35 feet tall and 12,000 pounds — about 150% of the size of a real life raptor.

An animatronic dinosaur at Six Flags Over Texas’ ride Dino Off Road Adventure on Friday, June 21, 2024, in Arlington.. The ride travels on a fixed track with animatronic dinosaurs around every corner.
An animatronic dinosaur at Six Flags Over Texas’ ride Dino Off Road Adventure on Friday, June 21, 2024, in Arlington.. The ride travels on a fixed track with animatronic dinosaurs around every corner.

However, you will not go 10 feet without seeing a new species. Keep your eye out for the following dinosaurs:

  • Ankylosaurus named Jasper (one of two of the dinosaurs named)

  • Carnotaurus named Cornelius

  • Dilophosaurus

  • Iguanodon

  • Omeisaurus

  • Parasaurolophus

  • Quetzalcoatlus

  • Stegosaurus

  • T-Rex

  • Triceratops

  • Velociraptors (there are three)

Dino Off Road Adventure is located in the “Texas” section of the theme park. It’s neighbor is the New Texas Giant, an 153-foot rollercoaster. It is also across from Bubba Texas’ Giant Hot Dogs where they are selling new dino-themed meals with dino-nuggets.

Six Flags over Texas will be open everyday for Summer beginning on July 2. They always open at 11 a.m., however the closing times vary depending on day of the week or holidays.

A worker gives a demonstration ride during an inside look of Six Flags Over Texas’ ride Dino Off Road Adventure on Friday, June 21, 2024 in Arlington.. The attraction first launched on Friday, June 14, 2024.
A worker gives a demonstration ride during an inside look of Six Flags Over Texas’ ride Dino Off Road Adventure on Friday, June 21, 2024 in Arlington.. The attraction first launched on Friday, June 14, 2024.
The entrance to Six Flags Over Texas’ ride Dino Off Road Adventure on Friday, June 21, 2024, in Arlington. The ride featured cars that drive around on a fixed track while guests can view variety of animatronic dinosaurs.
The entrance to Six Flags Over Texas’ ride Dino Off Road Adventure on Friday, June 21, 2024, in Arlington. The ride featured cars that drive around on a fixed track while guests can view variety of animatronic dinosaurs.
Attraction-themed food for Six Flags Over Texas’ ride Dino Off Road Adventure on Friday, June 21, 2024, in Arlington. . The food consisted of dinosaur nuggets, fries, hotdogs and a dessert with dinosaur gummies.
Attraction-themed food for Six Flags Over Texas’ ride Dino Off Road Adventure on Friday, June 21, 2024, in Arlington. . The food consisted of dinosaur nuggets, fries, hotdogs and a dessert with dinosaur gummies.