Former Guest Says She’s Ready To Tell The Truth To Dr. Phil

When Kaitlyn first appeared on Dr. Phil, she defended her UFC pro fighter husband’s behavior — even though her mother insisted she was being abused. Now, three years later, the young mom admits she was lying to Dr. Phil when she said she was not being abused.

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“I was trying to get my husband out of jail for domestic violence, and when I said that he wasn’t abusing me, I was lying. I was afraid of him,” Kaitlyn claims. “I definitely was brainwashed by Josh. I’ve suffered with post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety.”

Josh was convicted of 20 charges and is serving five-and-a-half years for assault and battery – but Kaitlyn says she’s struggling to get her life back on track and to be a mom to their two young children.

“It’s been three years since I’ve been a real mom,” says Kaitlyn, whose son and daughter are in the care of her mother. “I need Dr. Phil’s help to be able to figure out how to become a mom again.”

What does Dr. Phil suggest Kaitlyn do to help turn her life around? Check here to see where you can watch Monday’s show.

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