Gary Oldman Wishes J.K. Simmons Good Luck With Commissioner Gordon


Oscar-winning actor J.K. Simmons (Whiplash, Spider-Man) is set to play Commissioner Gordon in Zack Snyder's Justice League movie. And like it or not, his performance will end up being compared to Gary Oldman's, who brilliantly portrayed the character in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy.

In a recent interview, Oldman wished Simmons good luck with role. “God bless him,” Oldman told Yahoo. “Good luck, that's what I say.”

He also offered up his deep intuitive understanding of Gordon. “The thing you’ve just got to get used to with Gordon is he’s a really sound detective, first of all,” he said “And he’s really incorruptible, which is a kind of wonderful quality to play and sort of, like, true blue.”

“He’s like a Watson, oddly,” he added. “He’s sort of like Watson to Sherlock, is Gordon to Batman.”

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