German Shepherd Herding Her Grumpy Brother Away From Mom Is Total Sibling Energy

Whether it's the competition for attention, the constant close proximity, or even just conflicting personalities, there's something about the relationship between siblings that truly tests everyone's boundaries. It's the same for dogs! Even if they didn't grow up as littermates, dogs who live together can develop a unique relationship that combines competitiveness, trust, play, and lots of love.

But siblings get on each other's nerves sometimes, too! German Shepherds Zeus and Luna know exactly what I mean because they're consistently putting each other's patience to the test. On June 18, Zeus was feeling rather opinionated while 'talking' to Mom during her TV time, but sister Luna wasn't going to take it! She regularly herds Zeus away from their Mom whenever he barks, and today was no exception. In fact, her protectiveness turned into a full-blown sibling argument!

LOL! These two are a chaotic duo, but it seems like they're the perfect sibling pair. They can match each other's energy perfectly, and they know precisely how to get the other riled up. And when it comes to Luna, smart pup Zeus knows the best way to get through her is through Mom!

"She wasn't having any of that mess," noticed commenter @th3_rav3n. No kidding! Luna is a girls girl through and through, and she has no issue stepping in if her favorite girl (AKA Mom) is being threatened in any way, shape, or form. She's a 100% certified good girl!

Zeus is a good boy, too--he just has different ways of showing it. He's a more athletic dog, to be sure, but he'd also make an excellent watchdog with his vigilance and strong bark. The brown German Shepherd is more of a goofball who loves to make the most of every moment, but his sister is more about protection and loyalty above all else.

All About Black German Shepherds

Both of these long-haired dogs are positively stunning, but black German Shepherds like Luna can be a lot less common. While the gene itself is quite rare, it's even rarer to see a completely black Shepherd. Most of these dogs have at least some brown on their paws, back, or face, but they are drastically different than the sable-colored German Shepherds you know and love.

Although many canine experts differentiate between sable and black German Shepherds, don't be confused. Black German Shepherds are part of the same breed! There are also a few other breeds that look similar to Shepehrds, like Belgian Malinois, but they can be differentiated by an extra close peek. In these siblings' cases, there's no peek necessary; they're German Shepherds through and through!

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