GTA 6 sleuth thinks they've already located the official trailer, but no one believed them until now

 A hacker in front of a screen gasps.
A hacker in front of a screen gasps.

Update: Rockstar Games has revealed we're getting a GTA 6 trailer to properly unveil the game next month.

Original story: One GTA 6 fan reckons they've found the trailer for the highly anticipated open-world game, though many were skeptical until a recent Bloomberg report said that, actually, a trailer does exist – and it should release properly next month.

The other day, a Reddit user called abruty issued a post about potentially finding the GTA 6 trailer source URL, with several images and a lengthy explanation of their thinking.

"Trailer1 is usually incorporated in the URLs for the initial announcement trailers for their games," they say with an image to illustrate their point. "Notice that when this URL is entered, the message displayed is 'An error occurred while processing your request.' This suggests that maybe a file with the title "grandtheftautovi-trailer1-en_us-1080p.mp4" exists within this directory, but due to insufficient permissions, I'm unable to access it thus rendering an error."

To further back up their point, they swap '"trailer1" with "trailer" and get a different screen entirely.

"Unsurprisingly, it seems like the trailer is currently uploaded but is probably set to private and only certain people are able to view it if they have the proper permissions," they theorize. "My guess is that they're probably holding off the reveal of the trailer until a set date, maybe later this month or sometime next month. It'll be interesting if this does indeed end up being the correct URL once the trailer finally ends up being released. Anyways, let's keep setting ourselves up for disappointment in the meantime."

Of course, that didn't last for long. Not long after the post started to gain traction, they issued an update to say it's "not working anymore" and that it appeared as if changes were made to Rockstar's videos "a few hours" after the post was made. "Could just be a coincidence," they conclude.

Naturally, they were met with heaps of skepticism from fans.

"is the GTA 6 trailer in the room with us right now?" one says before another adds, "Now this is Reddit."

The tone slightly changed, however, when Bloomberg reported that we're getting a GTA 6 reveal this week and a – you guessed it – trailer next month.

"Maybe this guy had a point after all…" someone writes in a new post before another adds: "First stage, denial. Lowkey feel bad for the dude since everyone just counted him out. Even if he was incorrect, he kinda got put on blast since a majority of the people just through there was absolutely no chance of a trailer dropping outside of October."

It's worth calling out that nothing is confirmed regarding the legitimacy of that guy's post – it's more likely that they plugged in numerous URLs until they got rate-limited and got hit with a server error.

What's more amusing, though, is the Boy Who Cried Wolf-like situation the community finds itself within. GTA 6 'leaks' and 'first glimpses' have been as common as the rain over the past few years, alongside some far-fetched fan theories – my personal favorite is that one time fans were convinced a random road in Virginia was connected to GTA 6 as it was shaped like the number 6 in roman numerals. Someone could well spill something legitimate about GTA 6, and none of us would be the wiser.

Driven mad by years of waiting, GTA 6 hopefuls start a moon cult as they wait for a reveal.