Home and Away spoilers: Cash Newman investigates Detective Madden...

 Home and Away spoilers, Cash Newman, Detective Madden.
Home and Away spoilers, Cash Newman, Detective Madden.

Cash Newman (played by Nicholas Cartwright) knows that Detective Madden (Jonny Pasvolsky) is DODGY and now he needs to prove it on Home and Away! (1:45pm - see our TV Guide for listings)

After speaking with Anti-Corruption, Cash updates Harper Matheson (Jessica Redmayne).

Harper is desperate to speed things up so that they can clear her sister Dana's (Ally Harris) name.

But Cash warns Harper that they need to tread carefully with Detective Madden.

He has already warned Cash and Harper that he knows they are lying, and have more intel on fugitive Dana than they are letting on...

Detective Madden unexpectedly turns-up at the beach house belonging to Irene Roberts (Lynne McGranger).

Is he about to catch Dana in hiding?

Home and Away spoilers, Harper Matheson, Dana Matheson
Home and Away spoilers, Harper Matheson, Dana Matheson

Tane Parata (Ethan Browne) wants to sit down with his wife, Felicity Newman (Jacqui Purvis).

It has something to do with Tane's recent trip back home to visit family in New Zealand.

After a comment from Tane about how quickly his baby cousins are growing-up, alarm bells start ringing for Felicity.

Does Tane want to have a serious conversation about them starting their own family?

Home and Away spoilers, Felicity Newman, Tane Parata
Home and Away spoilers, Felicity Newman, Tane Parata

Kirby Aramoana (Angelina Thomson) wants to try and repair her broken friendships with former bandmates, Eden Fowler (Stephanie Panozzo) and Remi Carter (Adam Rowland).

But neither Eden or Remi are making it easy.

After an icy and awkward accidental meeting with Kirby at Salt, a vengeful Eden decides to carry on writing her song about Kirby's betrayal...

Home and Away spoilers, Kirby Aramoana
Home and Away spoilers, Kirby Aramoana

Home and Away continues weekdays at 1:45pm on Channel 5

Switch over for FIRST LOOK episodes at 6:30pm on 5STAR

The series is also available to stream on My5