Hugh Jackman’s Top Hat Obsession: It’s a Thing, People (Photos)

Hugh Jackman’s Top Hat Obsession: It’s a Thing, People (Photos)

Is Hugh Jackman the secret love child of Fred Astaire? How else to explain the Australian star’s long-standing obsession with top hats over the years?

2003: Hugh Jackman made is Broadway debut in a jukebox musical about fellow Australian song-and-dance man Peter Allen.

2006: Jackman played a top hat-sporting magician in Christopher Nolan’s twisty thriller opposite Christian Bale as his arch-rival.

2009: Hosting the 2009 Oscars, Jackman showed some old-fashioned razzle-dazzle in a Beyonce-boosted opening number.

2010: Jackman brought a formal look when he took his wife and kids trick-or-treating in New York City’s West Village.

2012: As a good man named Jean Valjean on the run from the law, Jackman once again sported a hat, this time through the streets of Paris.

2013: Appearing on “Late Show With David Letterman” after picking up an Oscar nod for “Les Miz,” Jackman donned a beard and stovepipe to tweak fellow nominee and “Lincoln” star Daniel Day-Lewis.

2017: The actor again donned a tall chapeau to play circus impresario P.T. Barnum in the musical biopic “The Greatest Showman.”