Jawbreaker’s Adam Pfahler on His Love of Ska and Touring with Nirvana: Podcast

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This week on In Defense of Ska, Jawbreaker drummer Adam Pfahler discusses his long-time love of ska, the band existing as a touchstone for future emo bands, and battling notions of selling out when touring with Nirvana. Listen above or wherever you get your podcasts.

One of emo’s most influential bands, Jawbreaker have never been famous for their association with ska. But Pfahler joins In Defense of Ska to set the record straight, revealing he was not only catching various ska bands in the early ’80s, but that he continues to seek out music from the genre. Just ask him about the recent show he saw with The Abruptors and Sad Snack, or his friendship with Alfredo Ortiz (formerly of Los Angeles ska band Yeska as well as the Beastie Boys, and currently a member of Los Lobos).

The drummer also discusses recording Jawbreaker’s Dear You album at the same time and in the same studio as Rancid’s And Out Come the Wolves, as well as his love for Brian Moss’ (The Ghost, Hanalei) all-reggae Jawbreaker tribute band, Jahbreaker.

Beyond his ska appreciation, he also talks about embarrassing Dan Ozzi at a book event, being his own band’s unofficial archivist, and being labeled sellouts when Jawbreaker toured with Nirvana. There’s also talk of burritos and opinions on how to best organize record collections, so listen to all Jawbreaker’s Adam Pfahler has to say on the latest episode of In Defense of Ska.

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Jawbreaker’s Adam Pfahler on His Love of Ska and Touring with Nirvana: Podcast
Consequence Staff

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