Jimmy Kimmel Calls Trump ‘Unhinged,’ Prefers Cersei Lannister to Run the Country (Video)

Jimmy Kimmel addressed one of the craziest days in Trump’s presidency — and that’s saying something — by comparing the madness stemming from the White House to the drama exploding in Westeros.

“We had so much fun stuff planned for you tonight, we worked on it all day, we had ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ tonight, I even thought ‘hey, maybe we won’t talk much about Donald Trump tonight,” the late-night host said in his opening monologue Tuesday.

“And then he opened his mouth and all matter of stupid came out. I wouldn’t be lying if I said I would feel more comfortable if Cersei Lannister was running this country,” Kimmel said.

Bring on the wild fire …

Also Read: Trump Equates Robert E Lee to George Washington, Twitter Revolts: 'Profoundly Ignorant' (Video)

What started as a press conference about infrastructure “ended with our president making an angry and passionate defense of white supremacists,” Kimmel went on to say.

“It was like if your book club meeting turned into a cockfight. It really was remarkable. I don’t know who decided it would be a good idea to send him out there to talk to reporters today, but whoever did obviously misread his state of mind — and the mood in this country right now.

“I think I can say this with reasonable certainty, the president is completely unhinged,” Kimmel concluded. “The wheels are off the wagon and hurtling through space.”

The “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” host also compared Trump’s recent actions to “when Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield’s ear off,” which was fitting as Floyd Mayweather was one of Tuesday’s guests.

When it came to Trump’s “many sides” comment about the murder and hate crimes in Charlottesville, Kimmel said: “I haven’t screamed at my TV this much since McDreamy died … the only person who is happy right now is Sean Spicer. He’s doing backflips.”

Also Read: Trump Backpedals on Charlottesville: 'There Is Blame on Both Sides'

Kimmel then went on to list Trump’s questionable actions from “he hires his daughter, he hires his son-in-law,” and “he signs a ban on Muslims that he claims isn’t a ban on Muslims,” to “hours after a terror attack in London, he starts a fight with their mayor,” and “he plays chicken with Kim Jong Un.”

“If I went through all of it it would be longer than the menu at the Cheesecake Factory,” he marveled. “He doesn’t even want to be president! He’s miserable!”

Also Read: Trump Rant Defending Charlottesville Protestors Shocks Social Media

A solution to this chaos? We can make Trump “King of America,” Kimmel suggested.

“Think about it. England has a Queen. She lives in a palace, everyone makes a big deal when she shows up but she has no power at all. Let’s make America Great Britain again!”

Now that would look nice written on a crown.

“Jimmy Kimmel Live!” airs week nights on ABC at 11:35 p.m.

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