John Mayer Poses Shirtless, Tries to Kick-Start #KyloRenChallenge With Adam Driver Homage

John Mayer Poses Shirtless, Tries to Kick-Start #KyloRenChallenge With Adam Driver Homage

John Mayer was apparently so moved by Adam Driver’s shirtless scene in “The Last Jedi” that he’s cosplaying as the “Star Wars” villain on Instagram. Or he just wanted an excuse to post a gratuitous selfie.

Fans of “The Last Jedi” will surely remember the moment when Kylo Ren (Driver) and Rey (Daisy Ridley) have a long psychic conversation while he’s in the middle of disrobing. Even Ridley’s character is so startled by his nakedness that she asks him to cover up.

Now Mayer is re-creating that moment on Instagram with the hashtag #KyloRenChallenge.

Also Read: 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Hits $1 Billion Worldwide as 2017 Closes

“The Last Jedi” director Rian Johnson explained his reasoning for the shirtless scene in an interview with People earlier this month.

“It’s all about those Force connection scenes,” Johnson said. “The keyword being intimacy. And the idea that this was a way to just, why not step that up? The idea that, what’s even more uncomfortable having a conversation face to face with a person you don’t want to, is if they’re half-naked during it, while you’re having to do it.”

So have an intimate moment with John Mayer and look at his one-third naked body below:


A post shared by johnmayer (@johnmayer) on Dec 30, 2017 at 7:00pm PST

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