John Williams Will Compose Han Solo’s Theme Song for ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’

When it was announced earlier this year that John Powell would be composing the score for “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” some fans were disappointed but unsurprised. John Williams has scored all eight main films in the franchise so far, with Michael Giacchino handling last year’s standalone “Rogue One,” and so the veteran composer wasn’t necessarily expected to be on duty for this new one-off.

It now appears that Williams will, in fact, return: “The present plan is that I’m writing a theme for Han Solo, and John Powell is going to write the score, which he’ll do brilliantly,” Williams tells Variety.

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“His assignment is something I’m very happy about,” Williams adds. “What I will do is offer this to John, and to Ron Howard, and if all parties are happy with it, then I will be happy. … John will complete the score. He will write all the rest of the themes and all of the other material, which I’m going to be very anxious to hear.”

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Powell has scored such films as “How to Train Your Dragon” and the “Bourne” series. The announcement of his involvement with “Solo” said that the film will be “scored in the style of the original ‘Star Wars’ movies but retain Powell’s distinctive voice.”

Williams won an Oscar for composing the score for the original “Star Wars” movie and has received three other nominations for his work on the franchise; he has won a total of five Academy Awards, and his 50 nominations are second only to Walt Disney.

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