Journalist Death Toll in Gaza War Rises to 24

 Reporters cover Israel-Hamas conflict from Sderot, Israel.
Reporters cover Israel-Hamas conflict from Sderot, Israel.

As of October 26, at least 24 journalists are among the casualties in the war between Israel and the militant group Hamas, with the vast majority of them Palestinian.

That is according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, which bases its tally on media reports and sources in the region.

In addition to 20 Palestinians, the dead include three from Israel and one from Lebanon.

At least eight journalists have been injured and three missing or detained, said CPJ.

The latest additions to CPJ's list since an October 18 accounting are:

  • Roshdi Sarraj, co-founder of Palestinian media services company Ain Media, killed in an airstrike.

  • Mohammed Ali, from Al-Shabab Radio, killed in an airstrike.

  • Khalil Abu Aathra, a videographer with Al Aqsa TV, killed in an airstrike.

  • Sameeh Al-Nady, director of Al Aqsa TV, killed in an airstrike.