‘I Just Had Faith In Myself,’ Says Teen Who Escaped Her Kidnappers

‘I Just Had Faith In Myself,’ Says Teen Who Escaped Her Kidnappers

In August 2017, Jasmine Block says the father of a friend kidnapped and held her captive for nearly a month. She says Thomas Barker and his accomplices, Steven Powers and Joshua Holby assaulted her and tried to kill her multiple times while keeping her hidden inside the mobile home Barker shared with Holby. Barker and Powers also repeatedly sexually assaulted her.

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When the trio moved her to an area near a lake, then left her unattended, Jasmine says she found her opportunity for escape. She ran, then swam across the lake for help.

WATCH: Teen Held Captive For 29 Days Describes The Day She Escaped Her Kidnappers

“I just had faith in myself,” she says of the feat, adding, “I wanted to find someone who could save my life and help get me reconnected with my family.”

In the video above, Jasmine says she found Earl, a local farmer who called the authorities.

Tune in to this Dr. Phil exclusive airing Tuesday to hear Jasmine’s family describe the day they were reunited with her. Check here to find out where you can watch.

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