Khloé Claps Back at Trump's "Fat Piglet" Remarks

From Cosmopolitan

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Photo credit: Getty

Donald Trump reportedly fired Khloé Kardashian from Celebrity Apprentice in 2009 because of the way she looked, according to a recent Huffington Post report featuring several former editors and staffers. Sources allege that Trump called her a “fat piglet” and complained about getting “the ugly Kardashian” instead of “the hot one,” likely referring to Kim. Khloé spoke about the alleged comments for the first time on Monday during a promo event for her new denim line Good American in West Hollywood. In an interview with The Los Angeles Times, Khloé says, “I didn’t think he was saying those things about me. But he says those comments about a lot of women - really derogatory things.” She adds that Trump most definitely does not have her vote next month: “Someone who is that simplistic to judge things off of surface is not someone I want running my country. It’s not cool or appropriate for any person, male or female, to judge someone else by their looks. I find it really cruel. It’s wild.”

Khloé was fired on the second season of Celebrity Apprentice during week six, when Trump cited her DUI and said her court-mandated classes were a problem for the show. According to a Huffington Post source, Trump said he did not like Khloé and had asked staffers, “What’s the reason we can get her off [the show]?”

As Khloé tells the LA Times, Trump’s comments are not going to stay with her for long. “I’m a tough cookie, so something that he said - that’s not gonna bother me. Ninety percent of the time, [criticism] doesn’t bother me. I’m not sure why. I think I’m just in my own world… If that’s what it takes to get even just this little group of people to realize how shady and bad and negative that one person is, I can take it.”

Advantage Kardashian.

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