Leno Slaps Comcast For ‘Tonight’ Cutbacks; Dave And Jay Ignore Jimmy’s Move News; Kimmel Tells Audience About “Our Big Day”

Leno Slaps Comcast For ‘Tonight’ Cutbacks; Dave And Jay Ignore Jimmy’s Move News; Kimmel Tells Audience About “Our Big Day”

UPDATED: His lord and master Comcast EVP and NBCUniversal CEO Steve Burke happened to be in town early this week. So Jay Leno made the most of it. For two nights in a row the late night host opened his Burbank monologue by slapping Comcast for ordering layoffs and pay cuts on The Tonight Show. “Or, as we call it, Survivor Comcast,” Leno said on Tuesday’s broadcast, adding ”NBC now stands for Nothing But Cutbacks.” Leno also came out swinging on Monday’s show saying, “Comcast calls us The Expendables… We’ve consistently been #1 in the ratings and, if you know anything about our network, that kind of thing is frowned upon.” Ouch! - because those are the same jokes Leno used to tell about his GE bosses. Then again, Jay is prone to whining on air.

Related: Tonight Show Cuts Latest NBC Layoffs & Trims By Comcast
Tonight Show Lays Off 20 Staffers; Leno Takes Pay Cut To Save Jobs

Neither Leno nor David Letterman during their monologues took any notice of Tuesday’s big announcement that ABC’s midnight host Jimmy Kimmel will move his show to 11:35 PM on January 8th. No jokes, no mentions, no nuthin’. Hey, why give Jimmy any advance publicity before they all go head-to-head-to-head in late night?

Related: Jimmy Kimmel On Move: “Maybe Cut Back On Penis Jokes”
ABC Shuffles Late Night: ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ To 11:35 PM

As for Kimmel, he joked during his monologue that the news about his move was “almost as exciting as Miley Cyrus’ new haircut”. He also said:

“It was a big day for us here today. You may have heard about this – or maybe not. ABC our network announced today that, starting in January – right around our 10-year anniversary – our show is moving from midnight to 11:35. I hope this doesn’t throw off my feeding schedule

Moving from midnight to 11:35 might not sound like a big deal – it’s only 25 minutes – but it’s probably the most important 25 minutes of my life since the first 14 times I had sex.

So to all those people who’ve been telling me “your show is on too late for me” – you’re going to need a new excuse. Like “your show sucks”.

Starting in January, Nightline will be on after us – but other than that, not much will change. Although we are in negotiations to replace Guillermo with Mario Lopez.

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