LG Ad Solutions Sets Closed-Loop CTV Measurement With Affinity Solutions

 LG Ads.
LG Ads.

LG Ad Solutions said it has launched LoopIQ, a new closed-loop connected TV ad targeting and outcome measurement system developed with Affinity Solutions.

LoopIQ uses purchase data to reach the right audiences on CTV while measuring a campaign’s impact on increasing spending by customers.

"The partnership between LG Ad Solutions and Affinity to launch LoopIQ marks a significant evolution in the CTV advertising landscape,” LG Ad Solutions global chief marketing officer Tony Marlow said. "LoopIQ’s unique capability to effectively link purchase data with ad targeting and measurement is set to revolutionize the way brands reach and resonate with their audiences in ad-supported streaming environments.”

LoopIQ combines Affinity’s expertise in data analytics with LG Ad Solutions’s vast CTV advertising infrastructure, LG Ad Solutions said.

By integrating purchase data with existing capabilities such as privacy-compliant automatic content recognition (ACR) technology, brands can now achieve unprecedented precision, ensuring their advertising spend is optimized for the right audiences with the most impactful results, the companies said.

The introduction of LoopIQ promises not only to redefine how brands approach CTV advertising but also to set new benchmarks for ROI in the sector, the companies said.

“We are thrilled to join forces with LG Ad Solutions on this groundbreaking endeavor,“ Affinity chief business and marketing officer Damian Garbaccio said. “LoopIQ is a testament to our joint vision of harnessing exclusive consumer purchase data to craft more meaningful outcomes and efficient advertising experiences.”