Love Letter to a Record: Dusty on ‘Fuzzybrain’ By Dayglow

Love Letter to a Record: Dusty on 'Fuzzybrain' By Dayglow
Love Letter to a Record: Dusty on 'Fuzzybrain' By Dayglow

Music Feeds’ Love Letter to a Record series asks artists to reflect on their relationship with the music they love and share stories about how it has influenced their lives. Here, Willow Giles of Meanjin indie rock band Dusty raises a glass to Dayglow’s 2018 debut album Fuzzybrain.

Dusty released their debut EP, Glitter, in October 2022. The Brisbane/Meanjin band introduced the public to the record’s loose and melodic garage rock sound with the singles ‘Shitty Guitar’, ‘Anxiety’ and ‘Do You Care?’. Beneath the vocal hooks and guitar distortion, Glitter explores personal trauma and advocates for a better understanding of mental health.

Dusty’s Love Letter to Dayglow’s Fuzzybrain

Willow Giles (Dusty): Fuzzybrain is an incredibly important work to me personally. At the time I discovered Dayglow’s music, I was studying music at university. The world had just gone into lockdown and we were continuing our studies online at home. Being a percussionist meant that this was an especially challenging time as all the instruments we used for our degree were communal and lived on the university campus.

My cohort turned to social media as a getaway from the stress of uni and the coronavirus, and it was there that I discovered a whole new world of music. I was discovering new songs daily and making too many Spotify playlists. There was also so much more free time on our hands, meaning more time for creativity and exploration. It was a really pivotal moment in my life.

I grew a strong love for indie, rock and alternative music in particular, and strengthened my love of classical music. One day I was watching a TikTok that had a song playing in the background, and something clicked. I found the song on Spotify and Dayglow’s ‘Can I Call You Tonight?’ ended up being my top song in my Spotify Wrapped that year.

I fell in love with so many aspects of it – its vibe, tone, emotions, instrumentation, sound production, lyrics, and so much more. It was a song that always got stuck in my head.

Dayglow – ‘Can I Call You Tonight?’

‘Hot Rod’ is another upbeat and feel-good tune that just sounds like the musical embodiment of a sunny spring day. It features beautiful melodic lines and ethereal backing instruments, paired with Dayglow’s soothing vocal tones.

I wish I could travel back in time to when I first listened to the whole album, as it just possesses so much musical beauty, but also because of how influential it was in shaping my identity as a musician and developing my musical tastebuds.

Dayglow’s music inspires me as a musician to take new approaches to writing and making songs, which is something that has been so crucial to Dusty. We constantly strive to create new sounds and our own style of music. I still listen to that album today and it brings back so many memories. I’m constantly reminded of how far I’ve progressed, both musically and as a person, and how there’s still so much hope in what’s to come.

Fuzzybrain has and will continue to be an influential album to me and the workings of Dusty.

Dusty – ‘Shitty Guitar’

Further Reading

Dayglow: “I Would Personally Rather Make Music That Makes People Feel Good”

Dayglow Follows Australian Tour With Release Of New Single ‘Deep End’

IDLES Review – Shouty Catharsis At Sold Out Melbourne Show

The post Love Letter to a Record: Dusty on ‘Fuzzybrain’ By Dayglow appeared first on Music Feeds.