Metal Band Vulvodynia Fire Vocalist After He “Tried to Kill” Their Drummer

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South African deathcore band Vulvodynia have parted ways with vocalist Duncan Bentley after he allegedly attacked and “tried to kill” their drummer, Tom Hughes.

The band released a statement on social media, stating that due to Bentley’s “recurring uncontrollable violence,” the other members of Vulvodynia “could no longer have him in the band.”

There has since been a squabble over access to social media accounts between Bentley and Vulvodynia, with the latter sending out a press release including photos of a wounded and bandaged Hughes following the encounter with Hughes (in case Bentley deleted their initial Facebook post).

A portion of the band’s statement reads as follows:

“He threatened and tried to kill our drummer Tom. Tom ended in hospital and sustained various injuries including a badly broken nose. This is also not the first time he’s attacked Tom and displayed this type of violence. Its been a recurring problem for a while. We thought it was alcohol related but we now know its just who he is.

We will be continuing the tour without him. We are going to try make plans to get some friends who are vocalists to help us out on the way and still bring you the best show possible.

Tom is absolutely destroyed and in pain but he’s willing to try finish up the tour and we will do our best. As many of you might know the cost of touring is insanely high and we would like to finish the tour to help us cover our costs. We hope you guys all understand and we are heart broken to bring you this news.

Please do not trust Duncan. He is a manipulator, psychopath and compulsive liar. He will try take us down after this and we just need you all to know the truth.

*Duncan somehow still has access to our Facebook and is deleting posts.”

Hughes subsequently opened up about the violent encounter with Bentley that left him with a broken nose. The drummer said the two were “not in any sort of drunken brawl,” but had been enjoying an “amazing” night out after a show when Bentley’s behavior started to become erratic.

When Hughes asked Bentley if he’d been drinking, Bentley “absolutely lost it” and turned violent. Apparently, it wasn’t the first time Bentley had attacked Hughes in a fit of rage, with Hughes recalling a recent incident in the Philippines when Bentley broke Hughes’ ribs after being awoken because of a tardy hotel lobby call.

According to Hughes, Vulvodynia had already been considering the dismissal of Bentley, though the singer assured them he “would quit drinking and had been seeking professional help.” Due to financial commitments related to touring, the band continued with Bentley as long as he promised to not drink. Hughes has now confirmed that Bentley is no longer a member of the band.

“This latest situation just proves that it was never the alcohol at all that sets this off and is a much darker mental issues,” continued Hughes’ statement, which concluded: “I hope he is able get the treatment he needs and get better. He will never be in the band again but I hope that he can get treated and sort his life out. I do not wish any violence against him and hope he can get his life sorted.”

See the statements from Vulvadynia and Tom Hughes via the Facebook posts below.

Metal Band Vulvodynia Fire Vocalist After He “Tried to Kill” Their Drummer
Jon Hadusek

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