‘As A Mom, I Was In Panic Mode,’ Says Woman Of The Night Her Daughter Was Kidnapped

‘As A Mom, I Was In Panic Mode,’ Says Woman Of The Night Her Daughter Was Kidnapped

In August 2017, Minnesota teenager Jasmine Block was kidnapped from her home, while her mother, Sarah, was out. Sarah, who had been called away for a family emergency, says that when she returned home, Jasmine’s belongings – including her phone – were there, but her daughter was gone.

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“She always left a note – but there was no note,” says Sarah, stating she knew her daughter hadn’t run away. “As a mother, I was in panic mode,” she adds.

WATCH: Teen Held Captive For 29 Days Describes The Day She Escaped Her Kidnappers

Jasmine, who was 15 at the time of the incident, says Thomas Barker, a family acquaintance, lured her away from her home by asking her for help with his son, Jasmine’s friend, who Barker claimed was in trouble. But instead of taking Jasmine to see his son, Barker took her to another location where he restrained her, sexually assaulted her, then tried to kill her.

Barker, says Jasmine, tried to drown her twice in the first three days of her captivity.

“The first time he tried killing me was drowning, and the second time he tried putting me in a duffel bag and tried drowning me.”

How does the teenager say she survived?

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Teen Describes Near Hanging At The Hands Of Her Kidnappers