Moo-ve Over Cowmedians, These 75 Cow Puns Are Udderly Hilarious

75 Best Cow Puns

Whether you find them infuriating or hilarious, it's no argument that puns are entertaining, and not to mention family friendly! And what better subject for these types of one-liners is there than a cow? These lovable animals are big ol' goofballs that would be cracking up right alongside you at any one of these cow puns

Telling a funny joke is one of the best icebreakers there is. Who doesn't love to have a good laugh? No matter what the occasion, be prepared to surprise everyone with any one of these 75 puns about cows—either with your quick wit or the audacity to even tell a pun in the first place.

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Best Cow Puns

1. What did the mother cow say to the baby cow? It’s pasture bedtime.

2. All the farmers cows stopped producing milk…It was udder chaos.

3. What do you call it when one cow spies on another cow? A steak out.

4. What do you get when you take a bovine and divide its circumference by its diameter? A cow pi.

5. What did the bull say to his son when he was going off to school? Bison! 

6. Why did the two cows hate each other? They had beef.

7. What do you call a fight between two herds of cows? A cattle battle.

8. How do evil cows laugh? Moo-haha.

9. Why did the Secret Service surround the president with dozens of cows? They were trying to beef up security.

10. What do you call a cow with a twitch? Beef jerky.

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11. What did the cow say to its therapist? “I feel seen but not herd.”

12. What do cows tell each other at bedtime? Dairy tales.

13. What sound do you hear when a cow breaks the sound barrier? Cowboom.

14. Why doesn’t Sweden export its cattle? It wants to keep its Stockholm.

15. What does a cow watch? MooTube.

16. Why did the cow get a massage? To re-hoove-inate.

17. What does the cow do when she’s got leverage? Milks it for all it’s worth.

18. Why do cows read magazines? They love the cattle-logs.

19. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Cow says. Cow says who? No, silly. Cow say MOOOOOOOO.

20. Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? They lactose.

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21. What’s a cow’s favorite newspaper? The Daily Moos.

22. How can you tell if a cow is exceptional? It’s outstanding in its field.

23. Why was the farmer mad at his cow? The excuse she gave was a bunch of bull.

24. Where do cows get their medicine? The farmacy.

25. How do you get a cow to keep quiet? Press the moote button.

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Cow Pun One Liners

26. Why was the cow so afraid of messing up? Because the steaks were high.

27. What’s a cow’s best subject in school? Cow-culus.

28. What do you get when you cross an angry sheep and a moody cow? A baaaaaaad mooooood.

29. Why was the cow afraid? He was a cow-herd.

30. Why don’t bulls play archery? They might hit a bulls-eye.

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31. What do you call a cow that just gave birth? De-calf-nated.

32. Did you hear that they genetically engineered a milk cow to have no teats? It was udderly pointless.

33. How do farmers count their cows? They use a cowculator.

34. What do you call a sad cow? Moo—dy.

35. How do cows say “thank you” for a meal in Spanish? Moo-chas grass-ias.

36. Where do cows eat lunch? In the calfeteria.

37. What do you call a cow that’s laying down? Ground beef.

38. What do you call a feminine cow? A dairy queen.

39. What happens when a cow laughs? Milk comes out of its nose.

40. What do cows eat for breakfast? Moosli.

41. What do you call a cow who’s forgotten how to make milk? Udder-ly confused.

42. Why do cows go to New York? To see the moosicals.

43. What do you call the cow who won the lottery? A cash cow.

44. Where do cows go on holiday? Moo Zealand.

45. What does a farmer talk about when she’s milking a cow? Udder nonsense.

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46. What do you call a redneck motorcycle? Cow-a-sock-ee.

47. How does a cow become invisible? By using camooflage.

48. Cow telling her family history: My grandfather was a knight. He was Sir Loin.

49. Where do cow farts come from? Their dairy air.

50. What did the cow say to her misbehaving calf? I am not amoosed by you.

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Funny Cow Puns

51. Why did the cow get a ticket? Because of a mooing violation.

52. What do you call cattle that tell jokes? Laughing stock.

53. What kind of milk do you get from a forgetful cow? Milk of amnesia.

54. What do you call two ducks and a cow? Quackers and milk.

55. What do they play at a cow concert? Moo-sic!

56. What do you call a cow who does magic? Moo-dini.

57. What do you call a cow in an earthquake? A milkshake!

58. What do you call a funny cow? A cowmedian.

59. What do you call a cow that can part water? Moo-ses.

60. How did the cow get to Mars? It flew through udder space.



61. Why couldn’t the cow gain weight? She was more of a grazer.

62. How did the bull earn the farmer’s trust? He said, “Seriously, have I ever steered you wrong?”

63. What do you get when you cross a cow and a goat? A coat.

64. What you do get from a dwarf cow? Condensed milk.

65. What do you call a strong cow? Beefy.

66. What do you call a cow eating grass? A Lawn moo-er.

67. Why does a milking stool only have three legs? Because the cow has the udder.

68. Why couldn’t the cow learn? Everything went in one ear and out the udder.

69. What do you call a cow with two legs? Lean beef.

70. Déjà moo is the feeling that you’ve heard this bull before.



71. What do you call a cow that doesn’t give milk? A milk dud.

72. What happens when you talk to a cow? It goes in one ear and out the udder.

73. Why is it so hard to hurt a cow’s feelings? Their skin’s as thick as leather.

74. What do you call a cow with no spots? A Moo-tant.

75. What are cows' knees called? Burger joints.

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