Mr. Stone Compares Current NXT Talent To A ‘Young Randy Orton’

randy orton
Photo Credit: WWE

Mr. Stone is one of the only wrestling personalities to be pursuing a manager role on WWE NXT right now. He has been with the promotion since 2019. He recently revealed who he’s eyeing to manage next.

Currently, Stone is managing Von Wagner. Prior to that, he was managing Chelsea Green and Aliyah. This fact may come as a surprise to a few, but Stone had actually worked a few matches for the company back in the mid-2000s under the ring name Rob Eckos.

Now, after taking up the managerial role, Mr. Stone has been looking to help the young talents. In a recent interview with PWInsider, the former IMPACT Wrestling X Division Champion mentioned that he would like to manage a young and upcoming talent in Kale Dixon. He went on to compare Dixon to a young Randy Orton.

“You know, he just was on The Bachelorette. And Kale Dixon, I don’t know if you’re familiar with him. He’s performed on NXT Level Up. He got offered a baseball deal and turned it down to come here to be part of NXT. I think he has so much potential. He reminds me, the way he moves and talks and his swag, he reminds me of like a young, I don’t want…big, big comparison here, but almost like a young Randy Orton and I just think he has so much to him. He has such a bright future ahead of him. I think me and him would click really well. I think he’s the man, I’ve told him this and I think yeah, down the line, I’d love to work with him.”

In-ring return?

Mr. Stone recently spoke with WrestleZone about his match with Bron Breakker at Halloween Havoc. Has he thought about the possibility of competing more frequently?

“It’s almost not even a match. I’m just focused on getting revenge on him and fighting him. I think we gotta walk before we run, too. Do the match, see what happens, and then we go from there,” Mr. Stone pointed out. “I don’t even want to think past it yet. I’m just focused on [Bron Breakker right now].

“I will say this: at my age and where I’m at, I enjoy my role and I do like the fact that my health is good and my fitness is good. Going back to being a full-time competitor, we all know that pro wrestling ain’t ballet,” Stone pointed out. “I don’t know what my body can hold up anymore to do it on a regular basis. So for now, let’s do the one and let’s see what happens from there.”

Which WWE Superstar would you like to be managed by Mr. Stone?

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