NBC says 'equipment failure' caused black screen during Super Bowl

NBC says 'equipment failure' caused black screen during Super Bowl

TV screens briefly went blank and lost sound during NBC’s broadcast of the Super Bowl on Sunday.

Viewers were met with about 15-30 seconds of, well, nothing during a commercial break in the middle of the second quarter. Many people on Twitter were confused, and some joked that it was the best commercial of the game, because of course the internet did.

“Was a commercial just a black screen? What does it mean!!!?” tweeted Josh Groban when it happened.

Shortly after that slightly embarrassing period of dead air, an NBC spokesperson used Twitter to explain that it was caused by an equipment failure and that, despite some concerns, we didn’t miss anything.

“We had a brief equipment failure that we quickly resolved. No game action or commercial time were missed,” said a NBC Sports spokesperson in a tweet from the official NBC Sports account.

Check out more hilarious reactions to the black screen below: