‘People Create The Results In Their Life They Think They Deserve’

‘People Create The Results In Their Life They Think They Deserve’

Hannah’s family says they’re deeply concerned that the lifestyle she leads is putting her in danger.

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The 21-year-old has a criminal record and says she’s spent three out of the past four years in jail. Her parents and older sister say they believe that Hannah is drinking, drugging, and possibly selling herself to men, which Hannah vehemently denies.

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Hannah’s sister, Kayla, says she believes Hannah’s problems stem from childhood.

Hannah claims she has matured and is done with jail. She also claims she has many followers on social media and earns money by “finessing” men and selling pictures of herself or others.

“You’re selling yourself short,” Dr. Phil tells Hannah on Thursday’s episode.

“I believe that people create the results in their life they think they deserve,” he continues.

When Dr. Phil offers to help set Hannah up with a life coach, does she accept?

Check here to find out where you can watch Thursday’s, Dr. Phil.

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