Pizza Possum is like Untitled Goose Game but with a food-stealing marsupial for a cheeky hero

 Pizza Possum appearing in the Future Games Show 2023
Pizza Possum appearing in the Future Games Show 2023

Pizza Possum might just be your next co-op romp, especially if the sound of messing with guard dogs and eating loads of cheese sounds like a good time to you.

This brand new game from Raw Fury and developer Cosy Computer just debuted at the Future Games Show Powered by the Turtle Beach Stealth Pro, and pretty much does what it says on the pizza box.

Pizza Possum will see you play as the titular marsupial in a relentless quest for more and more food, including fruit, massive cheese wheels, ice cream, and, of course, pizza.

If you want to stuff your pointy little face though, you'll have to avoid the guard dogs that patrol each area. Handily, you can hide in bushes to sneak around, but also utilize an assortment of tools like smoke bombs, punching gloves, and more to distract them.

You better watch out though, because your little possum may get seriously bloated when eating all that food.

What I particularly love though is the added option of screaming when you're being chased or giggling when you're getting away with your stolen goods. It looks wonderfully chaotic.

Plus, it's all playable with a friend in local co-op for no doubt double the possum playfulness.

Pizza Possum doesn't have a release date yet, but will be coming to PS5, Xbox Series X and S, Switch and PC when it does arrive. You can wishlist it on Steam right now.

If you’re looking for more excellent games from today's Future Games Show, have a look at our official Steam page.