President Donald Trump Tweetstorm – The Saturday Edition

Twitter is a good indicator of who is on President Donald Trump’s naughty and nice list. Judging from the Saturday edition of the tweet storm, there’s few surprises.

Not surprising, the President again declared his bromance with North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un, and hinted at yet a third summit on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The two leaders have met twice.

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The President may not have met Rep. Illhan Omar, but he continued his jihad against her comments on 9/11 today by pinning her dismissive remarks to the top of his feed. The raw video presentation paints the controversial Omar as minimizing the terrorist attacks, drawing condemnation from several quarters.

Not to be forgotten, the President also brought up his favorite “Radical Left Democrats,” who are actively trying to find a way to re-ignite the Mueller investigation. The President rattled a saber on their tactics, noting that Attorney General William Barr is looking into his own investigation on their involvement in starting the collusion mantra.

The tweetstorm so far:

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