Donald Trump on Tonight Show: The Good, The Bad, And The Delusional

Donald Trump and Jimmy Fallon, The Tonight Show | Photo Credits: Douglas Gorenstein/NBC

This article, Donald Trump on Tonight Show: The Good, The Bad, And The Delusional, originally appeared on

Donald Trump made his first campaign stop on the late-night circuit Friday night.

The Republican frontrunner stopped by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon to do what he does best: Talk about himself. And he didn't disappoint.

Here's the good, the bad, and the delusional from the interview.

Donald Trump's next stop is Colbert's Late Show

The Good

Man in the mirror Very wisely, Jimmy Fallon kicked off the proceedings with a skit allowing Donald Trump to be interviewed by his favorite person: Himself. Or rather, Fallon in a wig and self-tanner acting as Trump mirror image, who just happened to ask him policy questions. Or as Fallon described it: "I'm like a Greek god that just took a bath in a pumpkin spice latte."

The host was able to nail The Donald's facial expressions, hand gestures, and even his unique pronunciation of the word "huge" ("yooge") and his predilection for calling people "lightweights." Trump answered the questions, but honestly, it was Fallon's imprecise mimicry that stole the scene.

Best running mate It's a question that's been on everyone's mind: Who could possibly run alongside Donald Trump? Fallon guessed Gary Busey. "He's more of a Supreme Court justice, in my opinion," Trump quipped. "Vice president is a very serious job, so I'm probably gonna go with someone else. I'm gonna say maybe Kanye West."

Later on, he elaborated: "Kanye has been so nice to me. I love Kanye. I like people that are nice to me. ... He's actually a much better person than some people might think."

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The Bad

The Nike response It's no secret that Jimmy Fallon isn't the world's most hard-hitting interviewer. To his credit, he gave it the old college try by asking Trump how he was planning to build a wall between America and Mexico and how he'd create jobs. But in both cases, Trump said he would do it "just by doing it." A policy wonk he is not.

Empty platitudes Earlier this week, Trump asked "Who would vote for that face?" in regards to a possible Carly Fiorina candidacy. Fallon challenged him to say something nice about Fiorina, to which he responded, "I think she's a very nice woman," immediately followed by "but I've never met her, I don't really know her."

The Delusional

Back to immigration Donald Trump patted himself on the back multiple times throughout the interview, but perhaps no harder than when he congratulated himself for correctly identifying immigrants as America's greatest threat. He said he took a lot of heat from the media for the anti-immigrant remarks he made during the speech when he announced his candidacy, but that now those same reporters "are saying thank you" to him for exposing immigrants as bad. Who are these reporters?

Courting veterans Saying "we need to do more for veterans" is a pretty easy way to score political points. Trump took it a step further, explaining that for how much money he'd be making for CNN during the debate next week, they should donate all the proceeds from commercial sales to veterans. How much money from commercials on The Apprentice was donated to veterans? Hmm.

Loving yourself means never having to say you're sorry Fallon asked Trump if he'd ever apologized in his life, for anything. "I think apologizing is a great thing, but you have to be wrong," Trump said. "I will definitely apologize sometime in the distant future if I'm ever wrong."

What did you think of Trump's stint on The Tonight Show?

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