Savannah Rep's 'Empanada Loca' is a chilling descent into darkness

"Dolores Roach is a character with a haunting past, and she has experienced tremendous trauma. Portraying her emotional journey authentically is a challenge," says Diany Rodriguez of her character in the one-woman play "Empanada Loca."
"Dolores Roach is a character with a haunting past, and she has experienced tremendous trauma. Portraying her emotional journey authentically is a challenge," says Diany Rodriguez of her character in the one-woman play "Empanada Loca."

In the heart of Savannah, Savannah Repertory has embarked on an audacious theatrical journey with "Empanada Loca," a one-woman show starring the formidable Diany Rodriguez. This play, the first of its kind at this unique venue, takes the audience on a spine-tingling ride into the depths of human despair, set within the eerie confines of an abandoned subway tunnel. The combination of Michael Ruiz del Vizo's masterful set design, the props design by Juan Manuel Velasco and finally, Andrea de la Higuera's lighting, creates an atmosphere that leaves you with shivers.

"Empanada Loca" introduces us to Dolores, portrayed by the incomparable Rodriguez. From the moment she steps onto the stage, you know you are in for a night of horror. Dolores's speech is street-tough, and her manner may be even tougher, but beneath the hardened exterior lies a haunted past. She reveals early on that she was once a college student studying urban planning, a surprising contrast to her current circumstances.

The daughter of a female police officer who met a tragic end during a drug bust, Dolores recounts her own life's sharp descent into darkness. At 21, she fell in love with a drug dealer named Dominic, moved in with him, and found herself caught in a web of violence and despair. The play unfolds with a relentless narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

Preview: Actor Diany Rodriguez makes Savannah Rep debut with lead in macabre "Empanada Loca"

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The show begins in an unnerving pitch-black void, where the audience is left in suspense. After a prolonged moment of darkness, Dolores finally emerges into a dim, shadowy light, and it is here that the artistry of Andrea de la Higuera's lighting design comes into play. This entrance is a visual metaphor for Dolores's journey, transitioning from the obscurity of her past to the revelation of her present.

Diany Rodriguez's performance is truly extraordinary. Her depiction of Dolores exemplifies a remarkable journey of character evolution. She skillfully captures the audience's empathy and even induces moments of laughter before skillfully unveiling the sinister psychopath hidden beneath the surface. Her transitions in accents and posture to portray various characters during the 90-minute performance are utterly captivating.

Aaron Mark's dialogue in "Empanada Loca" is both chilling and genuine. Through his words, he masterfully illustrates the hidden, gritty side of New York City, employing the vernacular of the streets and summoning recognizable urban settings. This play presents an unvarnished, uncensored, and resolute depiction of existence on the outskirts of society.

However, the true horror of "Empanada Loca" lies not just in its gritty realism but in the revelation that Dolores, a character we grow to despise, had aspirations and attended college. She began her journey much like any of us, and that is what makes her descent into darkness even more terrifying. It is a stark reminder that humanity is capable of unimaginable transformation, and the play forces us to confront our own capacity for change, both good and bad.

Mmmm ... meat pies! Diany Rodriguez is set to make her debut with Savannah Rep, taking on the challenging role of Dolores Roach in the gripping ― and macabre ― play "Empanada Loca."
Mmmm ... meat pies! Diany Rodriguez is set to make her debut with Savannah Rep, taking on the challenging role of Dolores Roach in the gripping ― and macabre ― play "Empanada Loca."

The staging of "Empanada Loca" at Savannah Repertory is a bold and innovative choice. The audience sits on a train platform, looking down at the tracks, which serves as the perfect backdrop for this gritty urban tale. The sounds of the train station transport you directly to the streets of 'the city that never sleeps,' adding an immersive layer to the performance that enhances the overall experience.

While "Empanada Loca" is undoubtedly a powerful and thought-provoking piece of theater, it is essential to note that it is not for the faint of heart. The play's explicit language and intense horror elements make it suitable for mature audiences aged 18 and older. It is a production that pushes boundaries and challenges its viewers to confront uncomfortable truths about the human condition.

The finale of "Empanada Loca" shocks. As stage blood is convincingly splattered, many in the audience are unable to look away. This climax serves as a visceral reminder of the horror that has unfolded on stage, leaving a lasting impact on those fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to witness it.

"Empanada Loca" is a new and challenging theatrical experience not often experienced in community theaters, but that is also what is so exciting. Savannah Rep pushed the boundaries of theatrical storytelling with this production, and it is a testament to the company's commitment to delivering bold and unforgettable experiences to their audiences. Rodriguez's tour de force performance, combined with Mark's unflinching script, creates a night of theater that will leave you haunted long after the show is over. The play's exploration of darkness within the human soul is as chilling as it is thought-provoking, making it a must-see for those brave enough to confront the depths of despair and transformation.

If You Go >>

What: "Empanada Loca"

When: Sept. 10-17

Where: The Rep. Downtown, 402 E. Broughton St.


Running Time: 90 minutes (no intermission)

This production contains graphic language and is intended for mature audiences only.

This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: Savannah Rep's 'Empanada Loca' is a chilling descent into darkness