Who Sent Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Horse Manure for Christmas? This Guy Did

Who Sent Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Horse Manure for Christmas? This Guy Did

A package of horse manure that was hand-delivered to the Bel-Air home of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin for Christmas was a political statement by Robert Strong, the activist said in a series of tweets.

“All in a days work,” he tweeted beside a photo of himself over the Christmas weekend.

“If the GOP can fleece the American people in such a brazen fashion, we must call it out in such a brazen fashion,” the L.A. activist wrote. “Like Hunter S. Thompson once said, ‘when the going gets weird, the weird turns pro.'”

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He added in another tweet:

“400 years ago Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg door. This week I delivered my 95 FECES to the door of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Lord of Mammon, as Jesus and the Essenes would have called him. It’s time for another Reformation.”

For good measure, he tweeted the note that went with the gift-wrapped package:

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Strong’s unverified Twitter account says he’s from Eagle Rock, California, and he told KPCC that he works as a psychologist for the L.A. Department of Mental Health.

He is also active on behalf of the local homeless, he said, adding, “”In the long run, if we don’t do stuff like this, what are we going to have left?”

Strong said he borrowed some horse manure from a friend who owns horses, gift-wrapped it, and hand-delivered it to what he believed was one of Mnuchin’s homes, in the upscale neighborhood of Bel-Air.

The Los Angeles Police Department’s bomb squad was called to the home and officers opened the box to find the pile of horse manure. The Secret Service was set to take over the investigation, according to media reports.

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