All Sims 4 Growing Together infant milestones, from first laughs to finger foods

 All infant milestones in The Sims 4: growing together
All infant milestones in The Sims 4: growing together

When it comes to all the infant milestones in The Sims 4 Growing Together, some of them are easier to get than others. You can collect most of them by performing actions like Tummy Time, Practice Standing, and Explore New Foods, but it can take awhile to trigger the actual milestone notifications. Milestones are a new feature in The Sims 4, and they don't only apply to infants.

However, this guide will walk you through all the infant milestones available in the Growing Together expansion pack. Once you've aged up your newborn to an infant just a few days after birth, you can get started collecting special milestones to mark big moments in the lives of your little ones. Check out everything new in the Sims 4 Growing Together pack if you've not decided whether to pick it up yet.

All infant milestones in The Sims 4: growing together
All infant milestones in The Sims 4: growing together

All infant milestones in The Sims 4: Growing Together

These are all the milestones we have come across while nurturing our Sims 4 infants. From toilet whoopsies to giggles, we've laid out all the little moments you can try to trigger as you guide your new baby toward toddlerhood:

  1. Born

  2. First smile

  3. Coo

  4. Lift Head

  5. First Blowout

  6. Sit Up

  7. Reach

  8. First Visitors

  9. Laugh

  10. Roll Over to Back

  11. Roll Over to Tummy

  12. Grab

  13. Babble

  14. Slept Through the Night

  15. Creep

  16. First Food

  17. Blow Raspberry

  18. Toe in Mouth

  19. First Bath

  20. First Bubblebath

  21. Crawl

  22. Pee on Caregiver

  23. Pull to Stand

  24. Pincer Grasp

  25. First Finger Food

These are all the milestones we've found so far, but there could be more out there. Keep carrying out Baby Care activities and any interaction with a small medal icon next to it in order to collect milestones and give your soon-to-be toddler a great first start.

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