‘Stranger Things 4’: Watch Joseph Quinn Rehearse Metallica’s ‘Master Of Puppets’ For Epic Finale Moment

Thrum the hell out of that six string, Eddie!

The writers from Stranger Things paid tribute to Joseph Quinn’s fine work on the guitar by posting footage on him rehearsing Metallica’s “Master of Puppets” on Twitter. In one of the last moments from Season 4, Volume 2, Quinn’s Eddie Munson (Quinn) shreds his electric guitar in an effort to lure the demo-bats away from the Creel house and his newfound buddies.

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Quinn wasn’t expected to do all the heavy lifting with the Metallica tune. Bassist Tye Trujillo, the son of Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo, helped with the solo.

Quinn’s performance and the use of the song in the Netflix drama got a big thumbs up from Metallica.

“The way the Duffer Brothers have incorporated music into Stranger Things has always been next level, so we were beyond psyched for them to not only include ‘Master of Puppets’ in the show, but to have such a pivotal scene built around it,” the band recently wrote on Instagram. “We were all stoked to see the final result and when we did we were totally blown away. It’s so extremely well done, so much so, that some folks were able to guess the song just by seeing a few seconds of Joseph Quinn’s hands in the trailer!! How crazy cool is that? It’s an incredible honor to be such a big part of Eddie’s journey and to once again be keeping company with all of the other amazing artists featured in the show.”

In the fourth season, Quinn played a metalhead-cum-small-time-drug-dealer who runs the Hellfire Club and participates in a band called Corroded Coffin. The Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast was also wrongly suspected of murder.

“It’s something we’ve always wanted to do but we teed it up at the end of Season Three,” Matt Duffer told Deadline’s Mike Fleming. “We wanted to explore the idea of “satanic panic” because we have our kids playing Dungeons & Dragons. It was just this fascinating period that seems ridiculous now looking back, but it was very serious at the time. It was like major media. We have Eddie reading Newsweek and we’re demonizing this game and people believe that it was a really bad influence on kids. Bad to the point of causing them to commit murder and all these other heinous acts.”

“We felt like because D&D was such a core part of our show and we’re set in the 80s that it was something that we needed to explore,” continued Matt Duffer. “It seemed to go really nicely hand in hand with what we thought was going to be kind of our darker horror driven sequence. When you talk about satanic panic, Damien Echols was not 80s, but we thought he was caught up in something very similar, this mass hysteria. Obviously, Damien is alive now, but his is a tragic story we’ve been obsessed with. I think we saw the HBO documentary Paradise Lost. We were in high school when we first caught those, and then, of course we saw West of Memphis. It seemed like a really great character and a means to explore satanic panic, and that’s why that character kind of had tragedy etched all over him. Even had he survived the season, you know it wouldn’t have ended well for him. He would have been demonized and blamed for all this. The minute that Chrissy died in his trailer, it was the end for a character like that. He either ends up dead or in jail, and that’s the tragedy ultimately of Eddie Munson, and there was nothing really our kids would have been able to do for him.”

Prior to Stranger Things, Quinn was best known for his work in Dickensian, Howard’s End and Les Miserables. He also played Helen Mirren’s son in Catherine the Great.

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