Teen Claims He Has Been ‘Completely Different’ Since Trying Marijuana One Time

Amy and Chris claim their 19-year-old quadruplet son, Chase, has been spiraling out of control and terrorizing their family ever since he had a severe panic attack after trying marijuana one time during his first week in college.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Life in crisis?

“Ever since I had smoked marijuana, I have been completely different,” claims Chase. “I have to keep moving; I just can’t sit still cause being in the moment really freaks me out.”

“Objects look weird to me, humans to me look foreign, like an alien.”

“It has been a living hell,” says the teenager, who dropped out of school and has been hospitalized eight times since his experience with the drug 14 months ago. “I feel very foggy constantly, my brain feels like mush. I feel like I don’t have control of my life anymore.”

Chris and Amy say they allowed Chase to move back home at first but recently kicked him out of the house after he began disrespecting them, stole Amy’s car and started becoming physically aggressive.

Why does Chase claim that his parents are making his condition worse?

This episode of Dr. Phil airs Tuesday. Check here to find out where you can watch.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: I’m living a nightmare!

19-Year-Old Blames Mental Illness For Physical Fight With His Brother