Teen Describes Near Hanging At The Hands Of Her Kidnappers

Teen Describes Near Hanging At The Hands Of Her Kidnappers

Jasmine Block vanished from her home in rural Minnesota on August 8, 2017, when she was 15. Held against her will for 29 days, the teen says the man who abducted her was Thomas Barker, the father of her then best friend.

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Barker, says Jasmine, took her to his mobile home, where he restrained her, then tried to drown her – twice. She says two other men, Joshua Holby and Steven Powers, helped Barker to keep her hidden over the next several weeks.

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In addition to being kidnapped and sexually assaulted multiple times, the teen says she was drugged, stabbed, nearly drowned, almost suffocated, and that her abductors tried to hang her.

“I was on the bucket, and they had the rope around my neck,” she says, adding, “Josh accidentally bumped it, so Thomas told him to undo me.”

Jasmine says Barker told her he was trying to kill her to avoid getting caught and going to prison. Which one of his accomplices does she say she believes was only going along with Barker out of fear for his own life?

Tune in to thisDr. Phil exclusiveairing Tuesday to find out how Jasmine escaped her abductors.

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Teen Held Captive For 29 Days Describes The Day She Escaped Her Kidnappers