Teen Held Captive For 29 Days Describes The Day She Escaped Her Kidnappers

Teen Held Captive For 29 Days Describes The Day She Escaped Her Kidnappers

When Jasmine Block was 15 in the summer of 2017, Thomas Barker, her best friend’s father, kidnapped, sexually assaulted and tried to kill her. Barker had two accomplices, Joshua Holby, and Steven Powers, who helped him keep the Minnesota teen hidden for almost four weeks.

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Jasmine says she was also drugged, stabbed, nearly drowned, almost suffocated, and that her abductors tried to hang her, but she fought for her life every day.

WATCH: Teen Describes Near Hanging At The Hands Of Her Kidnappers

After being held in the same location for weeks, Jasmine says her captors moved her after a county sheriff visited the property while investigating a missing property report.

First, she says, they took her to a cornfield, then to an area behind an empty log cabin near the water. She says they left her alone, and that’s when she made her escape.

Jasmine says no one answered her knocks at the first two houses she came upon. “I looked across the lake, and I saw a house so then I started swimming across the lake,” she says in the video above.

Tune in to thisDr. Phil exclusive airing Tuesday to learn what Jasmine says happened next.

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‘I Just Had Faith In Myself,’ Says Teen Who Escaped Her Kidnappers