Two Dancers Injured at Mirror Concert After Large LED Screen Falls Onstage

The boy band Mirror was performing at the Hong Kong Coliseum on Thursday night (July 28), when one of the large LED video monitors above the stage came crashing down onto one of the dancers and knocking over another, according to video that has gone viral from the concert.

The two performers were hospitalized, as one reportedly suffered a head injury and is in stable condition and the other sustained a neck injury and is in serious condition, according to the South China Morning Post.

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The 12-piece boy band’s remaining shows of the “MIRROR.WEARE” concert series at the Coliseum — which was supposed to run through Aug. 5 — have since been suspended.

The devastating accident comes just two days after another incident at Tuesday’s Mirror show at the Hong Kong Coliseum. During the group’s July 26 performance, member Frankie Chan fell off the stage while giving a speech. As a result, more than 13,000 fans have signed a petition urging organizers to be more aware of safety for their performers. A fence was then installed by the stage, and Frankie told fans he is OK.

“Sorry for making everyone worried. I was too absorbed in my speech. I only scratched myself a bit. I’m a lucky man,” he told fans via Instagram.

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