Weinstein Asian Executive Bey Logan Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Bey Logan, a Hong Kong-based film executive who has a close relationship with Harvey Weinstein, has been accused of sexual harassment. Logan denies any criminal wrongdoing, but admits to “mistakes” and a “too carefree attitude towards physical encounters with women.”

Logan, who was a consulting producer on The Weinstein Company’s “Shanghai,” has been the object of conversation on social media since the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke in October. The rumors about his conduct took more solid form Wednesday with the publication of three investigative reports by Hong Kong online magazine HK01.

The report accused Logan, a martial arts expert, of sexually harassing actresses in his offices and on film sets. It also says that Logan sent actresses to Weinstein’s hotel room, where unwanted sexual advances were made. The HK01 report carries accounts by seven women, only one of whom was identified by name.

One of the actresses, formerly with TVB, said Logan told her he could arrange for her to meet Weinstein, who was looking for a female host for the Asian version of “Project Runway.” She said Logan sent her to the Hollywood producer’s hotel room, which she did not find suspicious at the time.

Indonesian-Chinese actress Sable Yu, the lead of “Snowblade,” a film directed by Logan, said he told her that sleeping with Weinstein could boost her career.

In a statement e-mailed to Variety and other news outlets, Logan denied knowledge of Weinstein’s allegedly predatory behavior. “I have been shocked at the alleged behavior of Harvey Weinstein towards women. Throughout the years I have known Harvey, I have not witnessed, nor did anyone describe to me, any details of alleged sexual assaults,” Logan said.

He told Hong Kong media that “I never sent a girl to his room, I never invited a girl to his room. In fact, I told people not to go.” In comments to HK01, Logan added that “we all knew Harvey was a skirt-chaser. If Harvey looked like George Clooney, would we all be quite so horrified? I wonder.”

Yu accused Logan himself of asking her if she wanted to see his penis while they were alone in his office. She refused. “He took his [penis] out and grabbed my hand to hold his [penis],” Yu said in a video interview. “He was slowly testing” what her limits were.

HK01 said the other actresses reported receiving similar treatment, and some were asked to go naked during casting.

Yu also alleged that Logan insulted her on the set of “Snowblade.” She said the movie was an action flick and there were no romantic plots in the story, but she was asked to perform naked. She said in one scene that her character was supposed to be paralyzed, and that recovery required her nipple to be pinched. Yu refused to perform the scene on camera, but said Logan went ahead anyway, pinching her nipple in front of the crew.

In his statement, Logan said he was “remorseful” about his past conduct but asserted that “many of the accusations made against me are either untrue or taken out of context. I categorically deny any criminal wrongdoing. I have never forced myself on a woman.”

Nonetheless, he said he would “now step back and take time to reflect on my behavior and the values which I should uphold.”

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