I went down the Boston 'cop slide' — it was so tame, I have no idea how he went flying

  • I went down the Boston cop slide. It was so tame, I'm not sure how the guy went flying down it.

  • The slide's bizarre twisting design left much to be desired, but I am not the intended audience.

  • The viral playground attraction — meant for kids — has attracted flocks of adults in recent weeks.

Earlier this month, a Boston, Massachusetts, police officer took a rather rough tumble down a large, metal slide at the City Hall Plaza playground. Video of his fall went viral, memes flooded the internet, and hordes of people — mostly adults — visited the fated spot for a ride on the slide.

I also made a journey. Surrounded by the families and children — the actual intended visitors of the playground — I slid down the now infamous attraction.

And I'm sad to report I didn't achieve nearly the same speed or intensity as the police officer. In fact, my slide was pretty boring.


At the playground, the slide sort of sticks out like a sore thumb. It's tall and only accessible after climbing a bunch of rope obstacles and pulling up through a hole. After watching a child adeptly climb to the slide, I did the same and nearly sprained my ankle. Again I reiterate: This slide is, as signs plastered all over the playground now say, for children ages 5-12.

I am certainly not a part of that demographic, but it appears that plenty of grown-ass adults have visited the slide after it went viral to the point where the city put a temporary barricade up at night.


But when I got to the top and prepared to travel down the slide, I did sort of feel like a kid again. I was reminded of how fun and carefree slides can be. From the moment you push yourself down the metal, plastic, or — God forbid — wooden structure, you're at the mercy of speed and time, going as fast or slow, bumpy or smooth, as the slide itself allows.

With a new child-like whimsy, I pushed myself down the Boston slide. And then I hit the strange, twisting side of it. Ow. Then, the metal bottom burned the skin of my legs. Whimsy gone. Then, I slowly tumbled down the slide and landed softly at the exit.

It was a relatively lame ride, and as far as slides go, and the bizarre twisting design didn't give me much momentum. Part of it may have been the clothes I was wearing, which, as Slate reported earlier this month, can determine the speed or friction of a person's sliding.

But after experiencing the slide myself, I don't see how the Boston cop tumbled the way he did.

If I were to leave a review of it, as fellow Bostonians have before the slide's Google Maps listing was shut down, I'd say it was far from the exciting trip I hoped it would be.

"Faster than the Green Line," one user, DJ MuffinTops, wrote, Boston.com reported. Well, I might agree with that review.

Read the original article on Insider