Why Woman Says She Made Her Husband Take A Lie Detector Test

Why Woman Says She Made Her Husband Take A Lie Detector Test

Stacey says her life is being destroyed by a hacker. She claims every device she owns – even new ones she buys – are being overtaken with pictures, text messages, and changed passwords. She says the person is also trying to destroy her marriage to Andy by making it look as if Andy is having an affair.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Dr. Phil, please solve our conflict!

In the video above from Wednesday’s episode of Dr. Phil, see text messages and emails Stacey claims she received that make it appear like Andy is cheating on her. And, find out why Stacey made Andy take a lie detector test. What does Andy say?

WATCH: Woman Claims Hacker Changes Her Passwords, Turns On Appliances, Caused Her Phone To Shut Down Registers At Stores

And on Wednesday, hear from Stacey’s children – one who lives with Stacey and Andy – and what they say about their mother’s claims. And, see what Dr. Phil discovers after having possession of Stacey’s phone for 10 days. Check here to see where you can watch.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Ready to confront someone?

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