This Woman Is Going Viral For Her Completely Absurd Living Room Jet Just So She Can Enjoy Caviar

Jackie Siegel was first introduced to the world in 2012 for being the main character in the documentary The Queen of Versailles.

The documentary centered around her trying to build one of the largest single-family houses in the US in Florida. That home was to be modeled after the Palace of Versailles in France.

Closeup of Jackie Siegel
Orlando Sentinel / Tribune News Service via Getty Images

That didn't work out so well, mostly for economic/recession reasons, but last year, she came back for a Discovery series.

Jackie and David Siegel
Gene Page / Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images

In that series, Queen of Versailles Reigns Again, she attempts to finish her Versailles home.

Closeup of Jackie Siegel
Gene Page / Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images

But now, a video of her living room is going viral because it features something super weird: a jet.

"A livingroom jet and caviar!"
Jackie Siegel

Here's the video:


In the completely relatable video, Jackie asks people: "Have you ever had one of those days when you're in the mood for caviar but you feel like, 'Oh my gosh, I should be on a private jet eating caviar, but I don't want to leave my home?'"

Closeup of Jackie Siegel

She has the solution for that!

Jackie walking to her living room jet

She built a private jet "first class" seat in her living room.

Jackie in the private jet she built for her living room

Anyway, the comments are going off.

"No Jackie, because we are all poor."

From "This is oddly dystopian"...

"This is oddly dystopian" "This is how out of touch I wanna be."

"This is how out of touch I wanna be"

This person said they felt this exact emotion last week.

"This happened to me last week"

How relatable!


Ultimately, my favorite comment pointed out her kitchen aesthetic:

"Omg she has the 2004 tuscany village/olive garden kitchen!!"

I guess you can take the woman out of the Olive Garden but you can't take that aesthetic out of her kitchen!

Olive Garden
Scott Olson / Getty Images