Woman Says Hacker Has Invaded Her Life Trying To Destroy Her Marriage

Woman Says Hacker Has Invaded Her Life Trying To Destroy Her Marriage

“For the past five years, all my devices have been hacked,” says Stacey.

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Stacey and her husband, Andy, say a hacker has invaded their life. She says she has purchased 12 cell phones, five computers, three tablets and seven modems – and even moved four times — to stop this person from gaining access to their lives, but nothing works.

In the video above, Stacey describes what happens on her devices that makes her believe a hacker has taken control over them. And, hear why she wraps her phone in tin foil.

WATCH: Woman Claims Hacker Changes Her Passwords, Turns On Appliances, Caused Her Phone To Shut Down Registers At Stores

The couple says they are at their wits’ end.

“I just want help. I want to be normal,” Stacey says.

“Stacey and I are at a point where we would live on a small mountain top with a TV antenna and a rotary phone,” Andy adds.

On Wednesday’s episode of Dr. Phil, hear more about the alleged hacking. And, see what Dr. Phil learns after keeping Stacey’s phone for 10 days. Check here to see where you can watch.

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